Pyramidal standard gain horn Antenna optimized for 1 meter gain and testing.
Pyramidal standard gain horn Antenna optimized for gain at 1 meter
The stacked Log Periodic Dipole Antenna (Stacked LPDA) consists of two ordinary Log.-Per. structures. The excellent characteristics (flat gain over a large bandwidth, low SWR) of the ordinary LPDA designs could be maintained using the stacked LPDA design. The stacked design helps to focus the directional pattern of the H-plane somewhat, resulting in a typical gain improvement of 2.5 dB compared to an ordinary LP antenna.
The stacked Log Periodic Dipole Antenna (Stacked LPDA) consists of two ordinary Log.-Per. structures. The excellent characteristics (flat gain over a large bandwidth, low SWR) of the ordinary LPDA designs could be maintained using the stacked LPDA design. The stacked design helps to focus the directional pattern of the H-plane somewhat, resulting in a typical gain improvement of 2.5 dB compared to an ordinary LP antenna.
Mast Adapter for Antenna Mast System AM 9144 with 22 mm hole for most Antenna models.
Stacked Logarithmic-Periodic Broadband Antenna for Linear polarised RX- and TX applications in the microwave frequency range.
The Coupling- / Decoupling Networks are used to inject common-mode disturbances to Equipment under Test (EuT). Further, the CDNs provide sufficient decoupling between Auxiliary Equipment (AE) and disturbance signal. The requirements for CDN and their application are described in the standard IEC 61000-4-6 (Immunity to conducted disturbances, induced by radio-frequency fields). CDNs have a common mode impedance of 150 Ohm and are available for a multitude of cable types and connectors.
The Coupling- / Decoupling Networks are used to inject common-mode disturbances to Equipment under Test (EuT). Further, the CDNs provide sufficient decoupling between Auxiliary Equipment (AE) and disturbance signal. The requirements for CDN and their application are described in the standard IEC 61000-4-6 (Immunity to conducted disturbances, induced by radio-frequency fields). CDNs have a common mode impedance of 150 Ohm and are available for a multitude of cable types and connectors.