The broadband horn antenna HWRD 750 is a linear polarized double ridged horn antenna for receive and transmit applications made of aluminum with waveguide flange.
Pyramidal standard gain horn Antenna optimized for far-field gain
Pyramidal standard gain horn Antenna, optimized for far-field gain
Pyramidal standard gain horn Antenna optimized for far-field gain
Pyramidal standard gain horn Antenna optimized for 1-meter testing.
Pyramidal standard gain horn Antenna optimized for 1 meter gain and testing.
Pyramidal standard gain horn Antenna optimized for gain at 1 meter
The stacked Log Periodic Dipole Antenna (Stacked LPDA) consists of two ordinary Log.-Per. structures. The excellent characteristics (flat gain over a large bandwidth, low SWR) of the ordinary LPDA designs could be maintained using the stacked LPDA design. The stacked design helps to focus the directional pattern of the H-plane somewhat, resulting in a typical gain improvement of 2.5 dB compared to an ordinary LP antenna.
The stacked Log Periodic Dipole Antenna (Stacked LPDA) consists of two ordinary Log.-Per. structures. The excellent characteristics (flat gain over a large bandwidth, low SWR) of the ordinary LPDA designs could be maintained using the stacked LPDA design. The stacked design helps to focus the directional pattern of the H-plane somewhat, resulting in a typical gain improvement of 2.5 dB compared to an ordinary LP antenna.
Mast Adapter for Antenna Mast System AM 9144 with 22 mm hole for most Antenna models.