
TBCG1 Radiating Comb Generator

TBCG1 Radiating Comb Generator

TBCG3-RN2 Comb Generator, 5 kHz-2 GHz, for RE

TBCG3-RN2 Comb Generator, 5 kHz-2 GHz, for RE

TBCG3-RN6 Comb Generator, 5 kHz-6 GHz, for RE

TBCG3-RN6 Comb Generator, 5 kHz-6 GHz, for RE

TBCG3-CN Comb Generator, 5 kHz-2 GHz, for CE

TBCG3-CN Comb Generator, 5 kHz-2 GHz, for CE

TBTC0/1/2/3 - Open TEM Cell for EMC Pre-Compliance Testing

TBTC0/1/2/3 - Open TEM Cell for EMC Pre-Compliance Testing

TBGTC1 Open GTEM Cell for EMC Pre-Compliance Testing

TBGTC1 Open GTEM Cell for EMC Pre-Compliance Testing

TBGP - Roll Up Ground Plane

TBGP - Roll Up Ground Plane

TBST- Shielded Tents 4-Table top sizes avalible

TBST- Shielded Tents 4-Table top sizes avalible

TBSB line of shielded bags 2-sizes

TBSB line of shielded bags 2-sizes


TBCG1 Radiating Comb Generator

The TBCG1 is a radiating comb generator with an internal antenna and a base frequency of 100MHz. It radiates a comb spectrum characterized up to 6GHz. The comb generator is built and characterized to serve as a rough reference for testing radiated noise measurement set ups in anechoic chambers, TEM/GTEM cells, shielded chambers, etc.

TBCG3-RN2 Comb Generator, 5 kHz-2 GHz, for RE

The TBCG3-RN2 comb generator is primarily intended for testing radiated emission setups. It is a useful tool for validating the proper operation of the antenna and pre-amplifier, as well as the accurate set-up and configuration of the spectrum analyzer.

  • 5 kHz-2 GHz,
  • switchable 5, 10, 25, 50, 100 MHz,
  • external: 5 kHz-200 MHz,
  • 6xNiMH, AA, Charger,
  • 2 monopole antennas

TBCG3-RN6 Comb Generator, 5 kHz-6 GHz, for RE

The TBCG3-RN6 comb generator is primarily intended for testing radiated emission setups. It is a useful tool for validating the proper operation of the antenna and pre-amplifier, as well as the accurate set-up and configuration of the spectrum analyzer.

  • 5 kHz-6 GHz,
  • switchable 5, 10, 25, 50, 100 MHz,
  • external: 5 kHz-200 MHz,
  • 6xNiMH, AA, Charger,
  • 2 monopole antennas

TBCG3-CN Comb Generator, 5 kHz-2 GHz, for CE

The TBCG3-CN comb generator is primarily designed to verify conducted emission test setups. It is a useful tool to validate the correct operation of the LISN, correct set-up, and correct configuration of the spectrum analyzer.

  • 5 kHz-2 GHz,
  • switchable 0.1, 0.5, 1, 5, 10 MHz,
  • external: 5 kHz-300 MHz,
  • 4xNiMH, AA, Charger,
  • Country-specific adapter cables DUT socket of the LISN

TBTC0/1/2/3 - Open TEM Cell for EMC Pre-Compliance Testing

Radiated emission tests are typically carried out in anechoic chambers, using antennas to pick up the radiated signals. Due to bandwidth limitations, several antennas are required to cover the complete frequency range. Furthermore, it requires much space and the cost of the equipment for a standard conformant setup is immense.

TBGTC1 Open GTEM Cell for EMC Pre-Compliance Testing

The TBGTC1 open GTEM-cell is a low-cost cell for EMC pre-compliance immunity and emissions testing. Unlike TEM cells, which have limits at higher frequencies, the TBGTC1 GTEM cell may operate up to 6GHz.

TBGP - Roll Up Ground Plane

Many EMC pre-compliance test setups require a ground plane. Not every lab has the necessary space for the permanent installation of a sheet metal ground plane. 

TBST- Shielded Tents 4-Table top sizes avalible

The TBST line of shielded tents is designed to suppress interference from ambient noise when carrying out EMC pre-compliance measurements with sizes of 200 cm x 100 cm x 100 cm, 124 cm x 64 cm x 60 cm or 86 cm x 48 cm x 48 cm. The 200 cm and 124 cm tent can accommodate any Tekbox pre-compliance test equipment such as LISNs or TEM-cells. The 86 cm tent will fit the TBTC0/1/2 and all our LISN.

TBSB line of shielded bags 2-sizes

The TBSB line of shielded bags is designed to suppress interference from ambient noise when carrying out EMC pre-compliance measurements. The shielded bags are a low cost alternative to shielded tents for test equipment such as LISNs or TEM-cells. 
