The EMC test system is designed for testing electromagnetic immunity of the electrical installation of vehicles and components against supply line transients. EMC - Test Equipment for the electrical installation of vehicles.
The coupling clamp CDN 2012 conforms exactly to the requirements of ISO 7637-3 and other standards, guaranteeing that tests are carried out in strict compliance with the standard. The CDN allows the fast nanosecond pulse bursts ( ISO 3a and 3b) to be injected in cable runs. Very high impedance signal lines are also to be found in vehicles on which the disruptive effects of ISO pulses 1 and 2 can also show up through capacitive coupling.
The Burst Calibration Kit has been designed to measure the pulse output voltage and the pulse output current of burst generators, e.g. the EFTG-CE5 or the burst generator sub-unit of the Multi-CE5. It essentially consists of a load resistor, a pulse voltage divider, and a double-shielded coaxial cable. ? Burst Calibration Kit ? Input voltage: 5 kV ? Ratio, 200/400:1 ? Bandwidth: 400 MHz