


The LSProbe 1.2 Variant E Field Probe is a high-speed, high-accuracy, and high-dynamic range electric-Field probe.

  • Its standard frequency range of 10 kHz – 8.2 GHz. 1,000 V/m
  • Best-in-class compensation of linearity, frequency, and temperature guarantees accurate measurements from less than 0.1 to at least 1,000 V/m.
  • A dynamic range of 100 dB is achieved for many frequencies, enabling Field measurements at more than 10,000 V/m.
  • Customized high Field-strength „X“-variants, supporting up to 30,000 V/m and a damage level of 100,000 V/m, are available upon request.

CAR AN-HV is used to simulate various types of transients that appear on the high voltage supply lines generated by the switching of various devices.
Pulse A represents ringing caused by switching operations of high voltage semiconductors. Pulse B represents sinusoidal waves generated by harmonics from the grid and revolutions from, for example, electric propulsion motors.

  • Battery simulator
  • Vehicle voltage up to 1500V
  • Fast rise time up to 100V/μs
  • Battery current: 30A
  • Constant power: 15kW

The LSProbe 2.0 Field Probe is a high-speed, high-accuracy, and high-dynamic range electric-Field probe.

  • Its standard frequency range of 9 kHz – 18 GHz. 1,000 V/m
  • Best-in-class compensation of linearity, frequency, and temperature guarantees accurate measurements from less than 1 to at least 1,000 V/m.
  • A dynamic range of 100 dB is achieved for many frequencies, enabling Field measurements at more than 10,000 V/m.
  • Customized high Field-strength „X“-variants, supporting up to 30,000 V/m and a damage level of 100,000 V/m, are available upon request.

The LSProbe 1.2 Variant F Field Probe is a high-speed, high-accuracy, and high-dynamic range electric-Field probe.

  • Its standard frequency range of 10 Hz – 8.2 GHz. 1,000 V/m
  • Best-in-class compensation of linearity, frequency, and temperature guarantees accurate measurements from less than 0.1 to at least 1,000 V/m.
  • A dynamic range of 100 dB is achieved for many frequencies, enabling Field measurements at more than 10,000 V/m.
  • Customized high Field-strength „X“-variants, supporting up to 30,000 V/m and a damage level of 100,000 V/m, are available upon request.

The LSProbe 1.2 Variant E Field Probe is a high-speed, high-accuracy, and high-dynamic range electric-Field probe.

  • Its standard frequency range of 10 kHz – 8.2 GHz. 15,000 V/m
  • Best-in-class compensation of linearity, frequency, and temperature guarantees accurate measurements from less than 15 to at least 15,000 V/m.
  • A dynamic range of 100 dB is achieved for many frequencies, enabling Field measurements at more than 10,000 V/m.
  • Customized high Field-strength „X“-variants, supporting up to 30,000 V/m and a damage level of 100,000 V/m, are available upon request.
