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CS115, as defined by MIL-STD-461, is a conducted susceptibility (CS) test method used to assess an equipment’s ability to tolerate fast, high-voltage transient pulses on its interconnecting cables. These pulses can originate from switching operations, lightning strikes, or other transient sources and often couple onto cables, potentially causing disruptions or malfunctions in sensitive electronics.
In a typical CS115 test setup, a fast pulse generator produces a repetitive series of high-voltage impulses with a rapid rise time (on the order of nanoseconds). This pulse is then injected into the cables connected to the Equipment Under Test (EUT) using a coupling device, such as a Bulk Current Injection (BCI) probe. The amplitude, pulse repetition frequency, and test duration are dictated by the standard, ensuring consistent and representative conditions for real-world scenarios.
Throughout the test, the EUT is monitored for any deviations from normal operation, such as data corruption, loss of control signals, or system resets. Successful completion of CS115 demonstrates that the equipment is robust against these fast transient perturbations, providing confidence that mission-critical electronics will continue to function properly under demanding electromagnetic environments.
Test System for MIL-STD-641 CS114, CS115, CS116
Benefits of the PG-CS115 Pulse Generator
Enhance your EMC testing with the CS115 Pulse Generator—precision, compliance, and versatility combined.