
FMZB 1519 C  Active Receiving Loop Antenna

FMZB 1519 C Active Receiving Loop Antenna

FMZB 1519-60D  Active Receiving Loop Antenna

FMZB 1519-60D Active Receiving Loop Antenna

PLA-R Receive, Precision Loop Antenna 9 kHz - 30 MHz

PLA-R Receive, Precision Loop Antenna 9 kHz - 30 MHz

PLA-SET for Site Validation, Precision Loop Antenna 9 kHz - 30 MHz

PLA-SET for Site Validation, Precision Loop Antenna 9 kHz - 30 MHz

LAS-2000 Loop Antenna Stand

LAS-2000 Loop Antenna Stand

HS 5136 - Hall-Sensor

HS 5136 - Hall-Sensor

FMZB 1513-60  Active Receiving Loop Antenna

FMZB 1513-60 Active Receiving Loop Antenna

FMZB 1512  Active Receiving Loop Antenna

FMZB 1512 Active Receiving Loop Antenna

FMZB 1513  Active Receiving Loop Antenna

FMZB 1513 Active Receiving Loop Antenna

HFS 1546  Active Magnetic Field Probe

HFS 1546 Active Magnetic Field Probe

FSH3D  Isotropic H-Field Handheld Antenna

FSH3D Isotropic H-Field Handheld Antenna

FMZB 1519 B  Active Receiving Loop Antenna (Discontinued)

FMZB 1519 B Active Receiving Loop Antenna (Discontinued)


FMZB 1519 C Active Receiving Loop Antenna


Active, shielded Loop Antenna with nearly constant antenna factor over the entire frequency range (9 kHz - 30 MHz), battery-driven to minimize disturbance influence from the power line.

FMZB 1519-60D Active Receiving Loop Antenna


Active, shielded Loop Antenna with nearly constant antenna factor over the entire frequency range (9 kHz - 30 MHz), battery-driven to minimize disturbance influence from the power line.

PLA-R Receive, Precision Loop Antenna 9 kHz - 30 MHz

Precision Loop Antenna The PLA-R antenna is an active, battery-powered loop antenna for fully compliant radiated disturbance measurements. Due to the broad frequency range from 9 kHz to 30 MHz, it is suitable for all emission standards. A very low noise floor allows for compliance measurements with low limits. Furthermore, the passive operation mode ensures that strong emissions e.g. from wireless charging applications don't overload the preamplifier. With the integrated tripod, positioning is convenient and fast as the loop antenna needs to be oriented in x, y, and z orientation. Two integrated laser pointers support the alignment.

PLA-SET for Site Validation, Precision Loop Antenna 9 kHz - 30 MHz

The PLA set consists of two active, battery powered loop antennas intended for site validation. With the broad frequency range from 9 kHz to 30 MHz it is suitable for Normalized Site Attenuation (NSA) measurements and Shielding Effectiveness (SE) measurements.

LAS-2000 Loop Antenna Stand

The Loop Antenna Stand is an advanced antenna support device designed to meet the demands of diverse signal requirements, featuring three primary functions: elevation adjustment, horizontal/vertical orientation, and a 180-degree rotation capability.

HS 5136 - Hall-Sensor

  • Nominal frequency range: DC - 1 kHz
  • Nominal measuring range: 0 - 7000 A/m
  • Extended measuring range: 0 - 9000 A/m
  • Nominal conversion factor: 1 (A/m)/mV

FMZB 1513-60 Active Receiving Loop Antenna

FMZB 1513-60  Active Receiving Loop Antenna

  • 9 kHz - 30 MHz
  • Loop Diameter 600 mm
  • Type N (female) 
  • Case sold as an option

FMZB 1512 Active Receiving Loop Antenna

FMZB 1512  Active Receiving Loop Antenna

  • 9 kHz - 30 MHz
  • Loop Diameter 150 mm
  • Type N (female) 

FMZB 1513 Active Receiving Loop Antenna

FMZB 1513  Active Receiving Loop Antenna

  • 9 kHz - 30 MHz
  • Loop Diameter 500 mm
  • Type N (female) 
  • Case sold as an option

HFS 1546 Active Magnetic Field Probe

HFS 1546  Handheld magnetic field meter

  • Handheld magnetic field meter
  • 150 kHz - 400 MHz
  • Shown short Version

FSH3D Isotropic H-Field Handheld Antenna

  • Isotropic H-Field Antenna
  • Rohde und Schwarz handheld spectrum analyser FSH or the TS-EMF System.
  • 9 kHz - 200 (300) MHz
  • Lightweight low attenuation radome
  • Outer diameter ca. 150 mm

FMZB 1519 B Active Receiving Loop Antenna (Discontinued)


Active, shielded Loop Antenna with nearly constant antenna factor over the entire frequency range (9 kHz - 30 MHz), battery-driven to minimize disturbance influence from the power line.

Replacement is FMZB 1513C
