Reverb Chamber Retrofit

Reverb Chamber Retrofit

Reverb Chamber

Reverb Chamber

VRC Reverb Tent Chamber

VRC Reverb Tent Chamber


Reverb Chamber Retrofit

Any shielded room can be converted to a Reverberation chamber. This is an easy process where Aluminum panels and fixtures are fitters inside the chamber to raise the Q of the chamber. Special precautions are made to make sure all electrical bonding is done so connections do not Oxidize. Stirrers are installed based on customers' requirements. this can be 1, 2. or even more. The use of 2 stirrers perpendicular to each other is recommended but it is up to the user. 

Reverb Chamber

An electromagnetic reverberation chamber is a multifunctional EMC (Electromagnetic Compatibility) test facility for commercial, military, automotive testing, and other electromagnetic investigations. Also known as reverb chamber (RVC) or mode-stirred chamber (MSC) or, Vibrating intrinsic reverberation chamber (VRC). Compared to other measuring methods like EMC test in anechoic chambers or OATS (Open Area Test Sites), GTEM-cells offer some significant advantages for the testing of small and medium-sized EUT´s (Equipment Under Test) up to a frequency range of 20 GHz. Quick turn arounds of the EUT, as well as numerous testing variations, are easy and fast to handle. Switching from emission to immunity testing requires only simple adjustments from receiver input to the amplifier output.

VRC Reverb Tent Chamber

VRC (Reverberation tent chamber)

This product is a chamber made of a flexible metal fabric tent assembled as a cavity that provides a periodic electromagnetic environment that is randomly polarized, spatially uniform, and isotropic.

The walls of the chamber are inducted in mechanical vibration between 5 and 20Hz, able to reflect the electromagnetic waves inside the tent with a reverberation effect. VRC finds applications to create an electromagnetic environment for immunity and emission testing. The reverberation tent chamber offers the advantage of higher field-to-input power ratios and faster test throughput times than other test methods.

The IEC 61000-4-21:2003  is a comprehensive standard for performing electromagnetic testing with a reverberation chamber.

The modular construction of the tent fabric allows customized dimensions assembly to meet space limitations e/o including the device under test.  The VRC is supplied complete with a technical panel and optional filters.
