
MIL-STD-461 RS101


Test System for MIL-STD-641 CS114, CS115, CS116

  • Automatic calibration for the whole test frequency range
  • Application of all test frequencies automatically. The level can be selected or automatic.
  • NO need to manually configure the measurement equipment
  • NO need to manually integrate the transfer function of probes and attenuators
  • Generation of test reports: NO need to record all values read from the measurement equipment
  • Generation of calibration reports: NO need to record all calibration setting parameters
  • Rack together and add CS101, CS109, and RS101 (sections 18, 19, and 20 of the RTCA DO-160G are also available.)

The compact magnetic field generator and analyzer MGA 1033 allows susceptibility tests against magnetic fields from DC to 250 kHz according to the standard EN 55103-2 and their measurement according to EN 55103-1. In addition, EMC tests are possible according to various standards such as automotive, avionic and MIL-STD.; Generation of magnetic fields from DC to 250 kHz; Field strength up to 1000 A/m; EN 55103-1/2, MIL-STD 461, Automotive etc.; Accessories: Loop sensors, Helmholtz coils etc.;
