The GTEMCELL GTEM-1500 Family is a TEM waveguide with the upper-frequency limit extended to the GHz range. It is under consideration as an alternative measurement facility for both radiated emission and immunity measurements. It is included in the standard IEC 61000-4-20 “Emission and Immunity Testing in Transverse Electromagnetic (TEM) Waveguides”.
The GTEMCELL GTEM-1750 is a TEM waveguide with the upper-frequency limit extended to the GHz range. It is under consideration as an alternative measurement facility for both radiated emission and immunity measurements. It is included in the standard IEC 61000-4-20 “Emission and Immunity Testing in Transverse Electromagnetic (TEM) Waveguides”. Compared to other measuring methods like EMC test in anechoic chambers or OATS (Open Area Test Sites), GTEM-cells offer some significant advantages for the testing of small and medium-sized EUT´s (Equipment Under Test) up to a frequency range of 20 GHz. Quick turn arounds of the EUT, as well as numerous testing variations, are easy and fast to handle. Switching from emission to immunity testing requires only simple adjustments from receiver input to the amplifier output.
The GTEMCELL GTEM-2000 is a TEM waveguide with the upper-frequency limit extended to the GHz range. It is under consideration as an alternative measurement facility for both radiated emission and immunity measurements. It is included in the standard IEC 61000-4-20 “Emission and Immunity Testing in Transverse Electromagnetic (TEM) Waveguides”. Compared to other measuring methods like EMC test in anechoic chambers or OATS (Open Area Test Sites), GTEM-cells offer some significant advantages for the testing of small and medium-sized EUT´s (Equipment Under Test) up to a frequency range of 20 GHz. Quick turn arounds of the EUT, as well as, numerous testing variations are easy and fast to handle. Switching from emission to immunity testing requires only simple adjustments from receiver input to the amplifier output.
The GTEMCELL GTEM-2500 is a TEM waveguide with the upper-frequency limit extended to the GHz range. It is under consideration as an alternative measurement facility for both radiated emission and immunity measurements. It is included in the standard IEC 61000-4-20 “Emission and Immunity Testing in Transverse Electromagnetic (TEM) Waveguides”. Compared to other measuring methods like EMC test in anechoic chambers or OATS (Open Area Test Sites), GTEM-cells offer some significant advantages for the testing of small and medium-sized EUT´s (Equipment Under Test) up to a frequency range of 20 GHz. Quick turn arounds of the EUT, as well as, numerous testing variations are easy and fast to handle. Switching from emission to immunity testing requires only simple adjustments from receiver input to the amplifier output.
RefRad X Comb Generator The newly developed battery-operated comb generator RefRad X is specially designed for checking the quality of radiated and conducted EMC and EMF tests. Initially introduced at the beginning of 2008, several modifications in the print design have enhanced the RefRad X considerably.
The testing and performance evaluation of EMC test sites requires precision field-strength measurements. Seibersdorf is the European market leader in this business. We offer these measurements as an accredited laboratory. Since 1997 we are also present in the Asian market. Due to intensive investigation in this field during recent years many results have been adopted in international standards (e.g. CISPR 16 series).
STLP 9128 C stacked Logarithmic Periodic Dipole Antenna
The polarisation swivel fixture PDG 9211 allows changing the polarisation of larger horn antennas by a single person easily. With the four locking points, the antenna can snap in increments of 90° angles to horizontal or vertical polarisation.
The broadband horn antenna HWRD 750 is a linear polarized double ridged horn antenna for receive and transmit applications made of aluminum with waveguide flange.