The VARISTOR-TESTER PG 6-250 is a compact test generator for testing the surge current capability of varistors. The unit contains a combination wave generator and a surge voltage generator acc. to CCITT, ITU-T.




Data Sheet



Combination wave generator:


·       Surge voltage:

o   1.2/50µs, 6 kV Surge current:

o   8 / 20 µs, 2.4 kA


·       + Surge voltage 10 / 700 µs

o   acc. to CCITT, ITU - T



The VARISTOR-TESTER PG 6-250 is a compact test generator for testing the surge current capability of varistors. The unit contains a combination wave generator and a surge voltage generator acc. to CCITT, ITU-T.


The surge voltage generator delivers standard impulse voltages with the waveform 10/700µs. The pulse output amplitude can be adjusted up to 4.8 kV.


The combination wave generator integrated, delivers a standard impulse voltage with waveform 1.2/50 µs for high-impedance loads, RL > 100W, and delivers a standard impulse current with waveform 8/20 µs for short-circuited output. The peak value of the impulse output voltage can be adjusted up to 6.3 kV.

In order to test different types of varistors, the pulse forming network can be switched to three different ranges, surge currents from 1 A up to 2.4 kA can be generated.


The VARISTOR-TESTER, PG 6-250, features a microprocessor controlled user interface and display unit for ease of use. The microprocessor allows the user to either execute standard test routines or a ´user-defined´ test sequence. The test parameters, which are shown on the built-in display, are easily adjusted by means of the rotary encoder. A standard parallel interface provides the ability to print a summary of the test parameters whilst testing is being carried out. Moreover, all generator functions may be computer controlled via the isolated optical interface.


PG 6-250 is able to generate the specified pulse current amplitudes even if the test device is connected to the output. Regarding the current range for surge testing, the varistor can be described by a voltage source Vz in series with a variable resistor Rdyn. The series impedance and a clamping voltage of test device influence the pulse current amplitude. The maximum pulse current amplitudes with a varistor, Vz = 500V, Rdyn = 2.5-250 W, connected are noted in the data sheet. The software for remote control is able to calculate the parameter setting of the generator, depending on technical data of the varistor. Using the PU 10 switch unit allows successive testing of up to 10 devices, located on a PCB.



Technical specification

PG 6-250

Main frame:


Microprocessor controlled LCD module

8*40 characters

Parallel printer interface for online documentation

25-way ´D´ connector

Optical-interface for remote control of the generator


external trigger input: trigger-delay < 10µs

10 V and 1 kW

4 diagnosis inputs for monitoring of the test device

10 V and 1 kW

Connector for external safety interlock loop

24 V =

and external red and green warning lamps acc. to VDE 0104

230 V, 60W

Mains power

230 V, 50/60 Hz

Dimensions:                desktop case W * H * D

471*180*410 mm3


28 kg



Pulse forming network:


a)         Combination wave generator

1.2 / 50 µs, 8/20µs

voltage wave, open circuit condition: front-time / tail-time

8 / 20µs±20%

charging voltage Vo, adjustable in steps of 25V

200 V - 6375 V ± 5%

current wave: front-time / tail-time

8 / 20µs±20%

pulse current amplitude, adjustable, via charging voltage available:

Vo - Vz

a1        PFN 1: pulse current amplitude: short circuit / Rdyn < 2.5W

2.4 kA / 1.2 kA

a2        PFN 2: pulse current amplitude: short circuit / Rdyn < 25W

180 A / 100 A

a3        PFN 3: pulse current amplitude: short circuit / Rdyn < 250W

16 A / 10 A



b) Surge voltage with waveform 10/700µs acc. to CITT K17/K22,

IEC 1000-4-5


charging voltage Vo, adjustable in steps of 25V

200 V - 5000 V ± 5%

energy storage capacitor

20µF/5.0 kV

max. energy stored

200 J

discharging resistor

50 W

series resistor

15 W

load capacitor

0.2 µF

damping resistor to the output terminal

25 W

waveform: front-time / tail-time

10/700µs ± 20%



pulse output polarity, selectable


charging time

< 10 sec

pulse output connector


Monitor output for pulse output voltage

ratio=100:1 ± 2%,


Monitor output for pulse output current, switchable, Rm

10/100/1000 mW ± 2%

Option 1:

Software PG 6-250, for remote control incl. 5 m fiber-optic cable and PC-interface


Option 2:

Peak detector, built-in, Display of peak values of voltage and current.


Option 3:

Control and connectors for Load Damp Generator 2803


Option 4:

Customer specific fixture on PU 10 for test samples


Test device switch unit  PU 10

built-in under the safety test cover mounted on the test table.

·     Switch unit for 10 test devices

·     maximum test current: 1.2 kA, 8/20µs

·     Adapter for test board, connected by contact pins.

·     Impulse voltage divider integrated, BNC output for measuring the residual voltage of the test device with an external scope.

·     Impulse current measuring resistor with BNC-output for external measurement.

·     Impulse current measuring resistor connected to the internal peak detector, display of peak values, in conjunction with Option 2.

·     Impulse voltage divider connected to the internal peak detector. Display of peak values, in conjunction with Option 2.

·     Direct pulse output for testing single components, 4 mm Ø connectors.


Schematic: See Image above



·     The complete unit can be simply replaced, if the contact pins are damaged.



Technical specification

PU 10



Attention! Monitor output specification above is replaced by

the following specification:


Impulse voltage divider, built-in

100:1 ± 2%, B = 100 kHz

Monitor output for external scope


Impulse current shunt, switchable:



2 kA   10 mW, ±2%, 100 kHz


200 A 100 mW, ±2%, 100 kHz


20A    1.0 W, ±2%, 100 kHz

Monitor output for external scope


Accuracy of the internal peak detector

± 5% / full scale

incl. safety test cover mounted on the test table




