The TBMDA1 modulated wideband driver amplifier is designed in order to create an inexpensive signal source for immunity testing of electronic building blocks and products. It is designed to be driven by the tracking generator output of spectrum analyzers. With its gain of 22 dB and 1dB compression point of +22dBm, it can boost the output power of a tracking generator up to 150mW.
The TBMDA2 modulated wideband driver amplifier is designed in order to create an inexpensive signal source for immunity testing of electronic building blocks and products. It is designed to be driven by the tracking generator output of spectrum analyzers. With its 1dB compression point of +27dBm, it can boost the output power of a tracking generator up to 500mW.
The TBLPA1 linear wideband power amplifier is a general-purpose RF amplifier for test and measurement applications. It has an output power capability of up to 1W and can be used in the frequency range from 10 MHz to 1 GHz and with reduced output power capability even beyond.
TBDA1 wideband driver amplifiers are versatile building blocks that can easily be integrated into laboratory setups. With a frequency range of 40MHz to 3GHz and an output power of + 22 dBm at 1dB compression, they are ideal to boost the amplitude of low power RF sources or to drive power amplifier stages.
TBWA2 wideband RF amplifiers are versatile building blocks that can easily be integrated into laboratory setups. With a bandwidth of 2MHz to 6GHz, they are ideal to boost the signals picked up by our EMC near-field probes.
The TBHDR1 is a high dynamic range amplifier with a frequency range from 30kHz to 1.5GHz. Its gain is characterized up to 6GHz.
The TBHDR1 has a high IP3 and a low noise figure which makes it an ideal alternative pre-amplifier for spectrum analyzers and receivers in EMC test applications. Due to its low noise figure, high IP3 and gain down to the kHz range it also performs very well as an amplifier for active loop antenna
The TBST line of shielded tents is designed to suppress interference from ambient noise when carrying out EMC pre-compliance measurements with sizes of 200 cm x 100 cm x 100 cm, 124 cm x 64 cm x 60 cm or 86 cm x 48 cm x 48 cm. The 200 cm and 124 cm tent can accommodate any Tekbox pre-compliance test equipment such as LISNs or TEM-cells. The 86 cm tent will fit the TBTC0/1/2 and all our LISN.
The TBSB line of shielded bags is designed to suppress interference from ambient noise when carrying out EMC pre-compliance measurements. The shielded bags are a low cost alternative to shielded tents for test equipment such as LISNs or TEM-cells.
The LSAOL 1.0/1.1 Laser-Powered Analog Optical Links with integrated pre-amplifiers are low-noise RF signal transmission systems for 9 kHz to 6 GHz.
The LSAOL 1.0/1.1 Laser-Powered Analog Optical Links with integrated pre-amplifiers are low-noise RF signal transmission systems for 9 kHz to 6 GHz.