The oscillatory wave generator IPG 2554 S has been designed for immunity testing of electrical and electronic equipment against repetitive damped oscillatory waves according to IEC 61000-4-18 requirements. It generates a decaying sine waveform with ringing frequency from 100 kHz and 1 MHz. These are considered the slow waves. These waveforms represent disturbances occurring in power, control, and signal cables installed in high voltage and medium voltage stations and in heavy industrial installations.
The oscillatory wave generator IPG 2554 F has been designed for immunity testing of electrical and electronic equipment against repetitive damped oscillatory waves (DOW) according to IEC 61000-4-18 requirements. It generates a decaying sine waveform with ringing frequencies 3, 10, and 30.0 MHz. These waveforms represent disturbances occurring in power, control and signal cables installed in high voltage and medium voltage stations and in heavy industrial installations.
The STLP 9129 Special was specially designed for wideband immunity tests. This unrivaled bandwidth was achieved by combining both well-proven antenna designs STLP 9128 D and STLP 9149. The STLP 9129 Special does provide the optimum gain and field uniformity at the same time, as well as both basic antennas, do. Main Application: Generation of defined high field strength levels for radiated immunity testing acc. IEC 61000-4-3.
EMI Camera for Low Emission / High Field Use
The broadband horn antenna BBHA 9120 L is a linear polarized double-ridged horn antenna.
The MF EASY is a scalable and flexible multichannel measurement and assessment system for magnetic fields in the frequency range DC – 400 kHz. It is available with 5 or 10 (on request up to 15) fully isotropic measurement channels enabling simultaneous magnetic field measurements on 5 or 10 (15) measurement positions.
Different standard probe types (sizes and shapes) are available for the MF EASY. Customized probes are available on request. Iso-centrically arranged coil and Hall sensor enable a measurement frequency range from DC to 400 kHz and a measurement sensitivity suitable for assessing human exposure.
The LSProbe 1.2 Variant F Field Probe is a high-speed, high-accuracy, and high-dynamic range electric-Field probe.