The TBCP3-1000 is a fixed aperture RF current monitoring probe. It has a very flat response with a 3dB bandwidth of 1 GHz and is characterized and usable over the frequency range from 30kHz to 1 GHz.
The aperture of the RF current monitoring probe is 17 mm. Its transfer impedance is close to 20 dB Ohm in the range from 3 MHz to 1 GHz.
The TBCP4-250, -500, and -750 is a fixed aperture RF current monitoring probe, it has a very flat response with a 3dB bandwidth of 750 MHz and is characterized and usable over the frequency range from 10kHz to 800 MHz. The aperture of the RF current monitoring probe is 32 mm. Its transfer impedance is close to 14 dB Ohm in the range from 400 kHz to 750 MHz.
The TBL5016-2 is a Line Impedance Stabilization Network for the measurement of line-conducted interference within the range of 9kHz to 30MHz, according to the CISPR 16-1-2 standard.
The device is designed for testing single phase, AC-powered equipment with supply voltages up to a maximum 240V and 16A.
The TBL0550-1 5µH LISN is a device required to setup conducted noise measurements of DC-powered electronic equipment. It is designed to be used for measurements in the frequency range of 150kHz to 110 MHz according to CISPR 16-1-2, CISPR-25, EN55025, MIL-STD-461F, ISO11452-4 and with limitations DO-160/ED-14G and ISO 7637-2.
The TBCDN-M2 is a Coupling Decoupling Network for conducted immunity testing according to IEC 61000-4-6. The TBCDN-M2 is compliant with IEC 61000-4-6 Annex D2.
The TBCDN-M3 is a Coupling Decoupling Network for conducted immunity testing according to IEC 61000-4-6.
The TBCDN-M4 is a Coupling Decoupling Network for conducted immunity testing according to IEC 61000-4-6.
The TBCDN-M5 is a Coupling Decoupling Network for conducted immunity testing according to IEC 61000-4-6.
The TBBCI1-200K280 is a snap-on Bulk Current Injection probe with a frequency range 10 kHz – 300 MHz, for testing according according to the IEC / EN 61000-4-6 standard.
The TBBCI1-800K420 is a snap-on Bulk Current Injection probe that has been designed primarily for conducted immunity testing of automotive products in the frequency range 1 MHz to 400 MHz, according to standard ISO11452-4.