13 Sep,2024


Do you even need a filter?

During the design phase of a product, it's crucial to address how to optimize the filter design for your equipment under test (EUT). One of the first questions is: do you even need a filter? Early assessment is key, as it helps avoid expensive and time-consuming fixes later in the EMC testing stage. It would be best to determine which components will be used, how much they will add to the product's overall cost, and whether the filter design will physically fit into the product housing. Failing to answer these questions early can lead to significant delays, higher costs, and increased pressure when final EMC testing reveals issues that need immediate correction.

At Absolute EMC, we provide a solution that empowers design engineers to test, diagnose, and implement cost-effective filtering solutions quickly. Our EMSCOPE offers real-time modal measurements, giving you simultaneous visibility into Common Mode (CM) and Differential Mode (DM) emissions. By analyzing this data, you can easily determine whether to use a choke for CM failures or a capacitor for DM issues. This allows you to choose the most cost-effective component and size that fits seamlessly into the product’s housing. These solutions can cost mere pennies in many cases, significantly reducing the overall filter cost.

For 3-phase products, filtering challenges become exponentially more complex due to the increased number of conductors. That’s where our EMSCOPE RX4 comes in—the only device on the market capable of providing real-time, 3-phase modal measurements. It measures four lines simultaneously, giving you clear insight into CM and DM emissions across all phases. With this tool, you can drastically reduce filter design costs from hundreds to mere dollars.

Incorporating EMSCOPE into your design process saves time and money and makes you an invaluable asset to your team by delivering a highly efficient, cost-effective power system design. ROI on this product can be seen in one product cycle!

EMSCOPE is fast and easy to set up and run. No EMC training is needed. 


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