26 May,2024


Test High V/m with Less Power

TEMH 6000: A Cost-Effective Solution for High V/m Pre-Compliance Testing

In the realm of Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) testing, achieving high field strengths (V/m) for pre-compliance testing of standards such as MIL-STD-461, DO-160, and various automotive requirements can be a significant challenge. The TEMH 6000 Broadband TEM Horn Antenna offers an innovative solution, allowing for high V/m testing in situ or for pre-compliance purposes without the need for expensive RF power amplifiers. This article delves into the capabilities and advantages of the TEMH 6000, highlighting its role in pre-compliance testing and its potential applications.


Overview of the TEMH 6000

The TEMH 6000 is a broadband TEM horn antenna that operates over a frequency range from 300 MHz to over 6 GHz, capable of handling high power inputs up to 300 watts. It is designed to meet the requirements of IEC 61000-4-39, but its versatility extends to other testing standards, including MIL-STD-461 and DO-160, making it an essential tool for EMC testing.


Achieving High Field Strengths

One of the primary benefits of the TEMH 6000 is its ability to generate high field strengths with relatively low power input. For example, MIL-STD-461 requires testing at 200 V/m, a level that can be achieved at a close proximity of 10 cm with only 50 watts of power. This capability makes the TEMH 6000 a cost-effective alternative to traditional methods that require significantly higher power amplifiers, reducing overall testing costs.


Applications in Pre-Compliance Testing

Pre-compliance testing is a critical step in the product development process, allowing manufacturers to identify and address potential EMC issues before final compliance testing. The TEMH 6000 enables high-field strength testing in a controlled, cost-effective manner, making it an invaluable tool for:


MIL-STD-461 Testing: Achieve 200 V/m at close proximity with 50 watts or less, facilitating early identification of potential immunity issues.

DO-160 Testing: Pre-compliance testing for aerospace applications, ensuring products meet the rigorous EMC standards required for aviation. Test levels for this standard can be much higher. The TEMH 6000 can reach levels over 500V/m with 200 watts of power.

Automotive Requirements: Testing against standards such as ISO 11452-2, radiated immunity testing for levels of 100 and 200V/m

Alternative Antenna Solutions

The introduction of various close proximity antennas, such as the 419NJ, 420NJ, and 422NJ, designed to meet specific automotive requirements, has expanded the options available for EMC testing. These antennas, initially developed for FORD requirements and later adopted by ISO 11452-9, offer alternative solutions but are often limited in frequency range. The TEMH 6000, with its broad frequency range and high power handling capabilities, provides a more versatile and comprehensive solution for close proximity testing.


Differences from Full Compliance Testing

While the TEMH 6000 is highly effective for pre-compliance testing, it is important to note the differences from full compliance setups:

Testing Area: The TEMH 6000 produces high fields within a narrow 10x10 cm area. Consequently, the entire product must be systematically tested in sections, a process known as "windowing."

Test Time: Due to the sectional testing approach, the overall test time is longer compared to full compliance testing setups.

Shielded Enclosures: High-field testing with the TEMH 6000 must be conducted within a shielded enclosure or tent to prevent unintended RF emissions and ensure safety.

Personnel Safety: Due to the high field strengths involved, personnel should not be present inside the testing area during operation.


The TEMH 6000 Broadband TEM Horn Antenna from Absolute EMC represents a cost-effective and versatile solution for high V/m pre-compliance testing. Its ability to achieve significant field strengths with lower power inputs makes it an attractive alternative to more expensive RF power amplifier setups. By facilitating early detection of EMC issues, the TEMH 6000 helps manufacturers streamline their product development process, ensuring compliance with critical EMC standards while minimizing costs.


About Absolute EMC


At Absolute EMC, we provide a comprehensive range of high-quality EMC testing solutions, including the TEMH 6000 Broadband TEM Horn Antenna. We can offer a full system for high immunity testing utilizing this unique product. Systems racked together, including Signal generators and amplifiers sized for the application, power meters to set levels, interconnections, and software; Our products are designed to meet the highest standards of performance and reliability, backed by our extensive knowledge and support. Whether you need a specific antenna for pre-compliance testing or a complete EMC testing solution, we offer a wide selection to meet your needs. Explore our selection guide to find the perfect product for your application.

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