The LSProbe 1.2 Variant F Field Probe is a high-speed, high-accuracy, and high-dynamic range electric-Field probe.
LSProbe 1.2 Variant F, 10 Hz to 8.2 GHz, 1,000 V/mThe LSProbe 1.2 Field Probe is a high-speed, high-accuracy, and high-dynamic range electric-field probe. A single axis, continuously sampling mode, operating at 2 MS/s, can be used for Equivalent Isotropically Radiated Power (EIRP) measurements of IoT products without antenna connectors, in accordance with EN 300 328 and EN 301 893. Laser-powered operation eliminates battery recharging and replacement. Extensive in-house calibration data are provided with each field probe and is handled automatically by the LSProbe Software (TCP Server and GUI).
Variants of LSProbe 1.2
Test Automation Integration
LSProbe 1.2 Cross-SectionLSProbe 1.2 SystemThe LUMILOOP LSProbe 1.2 Field Probe System consists of an LSProbe 1.2 E-Field Probe with a fixed length of fiber optic cable, a CI-250 Computer Interface (CI), and optional accessories, such as probe stands for repeatable and quick measurement setup.
LSProbe 1.2 SpecificationsFor detailed technical specifications, please take a look at the LSProbe 1.2 datasheet.