PPL200-70-S Parallel Plate Line

  • For immunity test on small and medium-sized devices
  • For immunity tests on automotive devices  according  to  the European  directive  2004/104/EC 
  • Requency Range: 10kHz to 30MHz


Data Sheet


PPL200-70-s Parallel Plate Line

This parallel plate line is designed for the immunity test on small and medium-sized devices. It can also be used for specific tests according to the standards. The main advantage of this line is that the equipment under test can easily be successively tested in both polarisations without being dismounted.  The line is electrically symmetrical, and transformers on both sides adapt the impedance. The line is straightforward to pivot and to move. The dielectric table can be removed. An included metallic plate can be placed on the table depending on the requirements of the different standards. The parallel plate line can also be used for immunity tests on automotive devices according to the European directive  2004/104/EC  and on broadcast receivers and associated equipment according to EN 55020. A simpler version without rotation and frame is also available (PPL200- 70-S).



Type PPL200 PPL200-70-S
Polarization  hor. and vertical only vertical
Frequency range (± 1 dB)  10 kHz to 30 MHz 10 kHz to 30 MHz
Field homogeneity (in 0.4 m3) ± 0.4 dB  ± 1 dB
Maximum input power 500 W continuous, 1 kW (20 min.) 500 W continuous, 1 kW (20 min.)
Maximum field 320 V/m (@ 500 W) 450 V/m (@ 500 W)
Line/wave impedance   200 W / 377 W 200 ohms/ 377 ohms
Input impedance 50 ohms 50 ohms
VSWR <2.5 <2.5
Distance between plates  106 cm 70 cm
Total dimensions (L x W x H)  358 x 105 x 153 cm  370 x 100 x 76 cm
Total weight 150kg 80kg

Other models are available on request.
