The TBPCP2-3070 is a RF pulse current monitoring probe with a very flat response from 30 Hz to 70 MHz and is characterized over the frequency range from 1 Hz to 200 MHz.
The TBPCP2-3070 is a RF pulse current monitoring probe, expanding the Tekbox product range of affordable test equipment.
The probe has a very flat response from 30 Hz to 70 MHz and is characterized over the frequency range from 1 Hz to 200 MHz. The TBPCP2-3070 is typically used for surge or RF pulse current monitoring applications in the time domain, in contrary to RF current monitoring probes designed for EMC applications, which are used for measurements in the frequency domain.
The aperture of the RF current monitoring probe is 25 mm. Its transfer impedance measured in a 50? + 50? loop test fixture is -26 dB Ohm with a 3dB bandwidth from 30Hz to 70 MHz.