BBV 9721, 12 - 40 GHz, 35dB Gain, Microwave Broadband PreamplifierThe BBV 9721 is a low noise low power wideband preamplifier to increase sensitivity during field strength-measurements and for general attenuation measurements up to 40 GHz.
Including a short cable with 2.92 plugs to connect the BBV 9721 with the antenna (for example BBHA 9170) Options:
Power Supply A laboratory power supply may be used to supply power to the preamp. Alternatively the optional power supply PS 9721 may be used. The input voltage of the power supply can be set to 110 V or 230 V depending on your countries line voltage. The PS 9721 contains a 3 wire colored cable set. Power is connected to the 40 GHz preamp using this 3 wire 4 mm laboratory safety plug cable set with colored connectors. The correct polarity of the cables is essential, i.e. the colors of connectors and jacks must be identical. Connect the cables to the amplifier in the following order: 1.) black 2.) blue 3.) red Disconnect the cables in reverse order!