2-3.2, 2.6-4, 4-6, Lens Horns Antennas for HiRF Levels CAT K

Absolute EMC with strategic partners is offing Lens Antenna for meeting the high demanding levels required by DO-160 CAT K and MIL-STD-464. Testing for HiRF High Intens Radio Fields up to and exceeding 5000 V/m with commercially available TWT Pulsed or Solid-state amplifiers. Antennas can also be used for HERO testing of MIL-STD-464 System-level requirements. Lens Antennas focus the field to reach higher levels in the near-field.

  • 2 - 3.2 GHz Gain @ 1m, 20.0 - 20.9 dBi
  • 2.6 - 4 GHz Gain @ 1m, 20.2 - 22.8 dBi
  • 4 - 6 GHz Gain @ 1m, 21.1 - 23.6 dBi



HiRF Antennas Overview

WG12 Lens Antenna

WG10 Lens Antenna




Absolute EMC with strategic partners is offing Lens Antenna for meeting the high demanding levels required by DO-160 CAT K and MIL-STD-464. Testing for HiRF High Intens Radio Fields up to and exceeding 5000 V/m with commercially available TWT Pulsed or Solid-state amplifiers. Antennas can also be used for HERO testing of MIL-STD-464 System-level requirements. Lens Antennas focus the field to reach higher levels in the near-field.

  • 2 - 3.2 GHz Gain @ 1m, 20.0 - 20.9 dBi
  • 2.6 - 4 GHz Gain @ 1m, 20.2 - 22.8 dBi
  • 4 - 6 GHz Gain @ 1m, 21.1 - 23.6 dBi



WG9A Lens Horn NEAR FIELD Horn 
Frequency: 2 - 3.2 GHz
Focal Point: ~1m from the center of the horn array
Effective Gain @ Focal point:  20.0-20.9
Max Input power: 13kW Peak 10% Duty Cycle, 1.2kW CW
Connector: 7-16 DIN (f),  SC, and Type N available with reduced power handling
VSWR:  2:1
Positioner: optional
3 dB spot size:  210 - 335 mm
 Size: ~700 x 500 x 1650 mm long
Weight: ~16kg


WG10 Lens Horn NEAR FIELD Horn
Frequency: 2.6 - 4 GHz
Focal Point: ~1m from the center of the horn array
Effective Gain @ Focal point:  20.2 - 22.8 dBi
Max Input power: 13kW Peak 10% Duty Cycle, 1.2kW CW
Connector: 7-16 DIN (f), SC, and Type N available with reduced power handling
VSWR:  2:1
Positioner: Optional
3 dB spot size: 204 - 304 mm
 Size: ~470 x 350 x 1150 mm long
Weight: ~7.5 kg.



WG12 Lens Horn NEAR FIELD Horn
Frequency: 4 - 6 GHz
Focal Point: ~1m from the center of the horn array
Effective Gain @ Focal point: 21.1 - 23.6 dBi
Max Input power: 13kW Peak 10% Duty Cycle, 0.8kW CW
Connector: 7-16 DIN (f), SC, and Type N available with reduced power handling
VSWR:  2:1
Positioner: Optional
3 dB spot size: 170 - 260 mm
Array Size: ~400 x 300 x 900 mm long
Weight: ~4.6 kg.






